Life..among other things...

Still working through my "self worth" issues. You see, it's funny...i thought that my issues were purely complication only within myself. But this weekend, i realized that they linger in my business as well.

While having a trunk show at one of my favorite galleries, i realized that i ended up losing money because i undercharged for a hand full of items. Which is quite silly. I wrote down all the prices, but when people approached me, i clammed up and blurted out a different [sometimes MUCH lower] number instead.

I don't know why i do this. I know i am not the most talented person in the whole world, but i do in fact know I AM talented. I just wish i let myself know that more often.

Do any of you battle your self worth? Especially those who are artists?

Ohhh yes i do. My jewelry, YOUR ARTWORK, they aren't YOU. You created them yes, but they do not SCREAM your self worth. If someone doesn't purchase or even like your work, it IS NOT a personal attack! In fact, it has NOTHING to do with you.

You are not your art! You are NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT.

::enter dramatic sigh:: ;)

You are so valuable! I hope you know it!
Smiles and blessings to all,
Jenipher :D