Eps. 53 - Bipolar 1 & Inspiring Psychiatric Hospital Stays with Pepper Vintage.

TW: Talks of Deep Depression, Bipolar Disorder & psychiatric hospitals.


TW: Talks of Deep Depression, Bipolar Disorder & psychiatric hospitals.

Christine Saenz (aka: Pepper Vintage) is an artist and mental health advocate who's vulnerably open about her struggle with Bipolar 1.

In this episode we talk about:

- Postpartum depression.
- Overcoming a deep deep depression
- Why Christine doesn't take medication.
- Her potential suicide attempts.
- Her inspiring stay at a psychiatric hospital.
- Painting as therapy.

Christine is my second guest to mention how she learned painting was an incredible therapy technique. In episode 33, Taylor Lee said the same thing. And ironically, Christine is who introduced me to Taylor's work in the first play! (yay!)

Christine’s Website I Facebook I Instagram


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Music: Cute uke tune by Scott Homes.