A post where my heart explodes with THANKS.

Good GOLLY friends!! I'm in AWE. I'm BURSTING at the seams and I am SO THANKFUL!!! My Kickstarter has been up for LESS than a week and i've been supported SO MUCH. I want to cry with excitement!! 

Who knew i'd come so far from being a sad, depressed, hopeless person!! If i can do it, EVERYONE CAN!!!! For serious! I just know this book is going to help so many people, and i can't WAIT to see it's effect!! 

I still have 27 days left and i have COMPLETE faith that i will be ready to print, and fully funded by then! But i would LOVE your help! If you think this will help anyone you know, [or even those you don't know!] please share it!! :) 

AND.... Share this doodle, tag it #doodledream and you can Win a print!! yay!!!

Thanks so much friends! You're helping my #doodledreams come true!

Jenipher :)

Let me TELL YOU about my.... BOOK!

What were you like when you were a teenager

Were you happy
An old soul?

Maybe you felt like me, and felt sad and alone most of the time...

 My goal is to write a super honest, encouraging, vibrant book with the intent to help teens feel less alone in this world. BUT a book that women [and men?!] in their 20's and beyond can enjoy as well!

 Right now I'm thinking format would be  quick sad or funny, truthful stories about my life and lots of my new "lovely girl" drawings. Think: getting made fun of for being a virgin then 10 years later being told I am strong and impressive for still "waiting". For waiting for the right person. Or not realizing I literally wasn't dumb until 2010. I want to share how to take hurts and turn them into joys.

Ultimately, my goal to make THE BOOK i WISH i had when i was younger. Something easy to read and relate to, something that's visually stimulating! Something RAW and HONEST and not all sunshine and butterflies.

I hope you'll continue to follow this journey with me. I'd love to hear YOUR stories!

  • What were YOUR teen years like?! 
  • What you want to MAKE SURE your children know?
  • What do you WISH someone KNOCKED INTO YOUR HEAD!?! 

Add a comment or Email me if you'd like to share! (Jenipherlyn@gmail.com) I'd love to hear from you!

Smiles to you DEAR DEAR Friends!


Man i need to hear this today.... does anyone else need encouragement?? 

I want to share so badly about my trip to National Stationary Show.. but sadly, i have  a LOT to do tonight before we bring our [shared] computer to the computer doctor. [we just had to put mine down to pasture so the fact that boy's computer is broken now too is a bummer... BUT a blessing since they can fix it and not charge us for it!!

Anyways, HAPPY Monday! AND TUESDAY!
I will hopefully write more tomorrow.


Everything takes time...

I'm struggling with this HARDCORE this week!!
 There are so many thoughts in my head, and i always feel so far behind. I keep needing to REMIND myself OVER AND OVER that  


We all rush around hoping to accomplish EVERYTHING right NOW! It's such a facade... and we end up missing SO MANY important things because of our business! 

  As i go into a busy but EXCITING weekend, this is the PERFECT watercolor doodle to end the work week with! Hope you think so too!

Happy Friday!

PS: If you live locally, I'm going to be at Chelsea Market Baskets tomorrow from 11-3 for another Watercolor Demo!! :D 

Come say hi! :D