Lets talk [book] PROGRESS friends!!

Goodness friends... i've wanted to write for ages, and I'm just SUPER crazy busy and haven't been able to!! I'm over the moon with how incredible and generous my friend Caitie is. I had the BEST copy writing session with her last Friday morning, and am SO stoked to have drawn some new doodles for my book. I just finished round TWO and THREE of edits! Only a couple more rounds! PHEW!!!

I think i've FOUND the printer i will be using. I'm still waiting for his e-mail about shipping costs but if he IS my future printer, then the books will potentially be ready, printed and shipped in four weeks time! Ahhh yay!! 
I'm also working on a journal to go with the book which i'm SUPER excited about!! I'm hoping that will be ready in the next month too! 
Ahhh soo many fun things!!

PS: For now, my eyes are PEELED looking for a suitable printing place... but please let me know if you have any suggestions!!

Life with Eating Issues.

The worst worst WORST part about seeking help for my eating issues is finally truly realizing that binge eating WONT make me feel better...and starving myself afterwards is not correct 'punishment procedure' after a binge.

My coping mechanism for ANYTHING at all has always been eating, including right now. Consuming way more cookies then deemed necessary after eating a large meal i didn't even enjoy, doens't logically make sense. ...Which is VERY interesting considering how logically i live my life is most other manners.

Could you IMAGINE how much we could do if we didn't feel any hindering emotions? If we didn't feel lonely, unworthy, over weight, 'stupid', inadequate? It sounds glorious doesn't it?

Now a days as I'm eating, I'm constantly aware that food won't change these horrid feelings; which in essences, takes away even the smidgen of 'happiness' that i used to feel from binge eating.

Add to the fact that there is NO REASON to stave myself or even take 'punishments' for my 'bad [eating] behavior'. All of this new reflection, awareness and change makes me feel like I'm drowning in a new way I've never felt before.

Coping, escapism, growing, learning, asking for help... My life right now is especially hard in ways I've always felt and never concurred.

There are days when i don't feel like it's going to get any better...that I've ever going to fully feel alive... but I'll just keep on swimming. The current has to slow down a little bit along the way, so i can at least coast until the next larger waves break.

Honestly and Sincerely,

'I Do Solemnly Swear' Summer Art Journal Class

Elsie's blog had a Blog Party all day long with fun challenges and surveys and give away's. It was so fun and what was even fun-er was winning this AMAZING class from Rachel!! It was SUCH a wonderful treat!
