I'm a thankful girl. :)


Rachel helping me with my grant

My beautiful pottery Rachel helped me make!

Fish tacos

Reconciliation with special people from my past

Quick work day

My nutritionist

Today’s a new day.


Things said in love.

Helping hands.

Writing e-mails at work.


Cranberry juice

Zucchini bread


Being on time for work even after running around

My car and air conditioning


getting more sales! Yay!

Allowing myself time to draw.

I stayed in bed till 8:30am

My house

Trying to let go.

What are YOU thankful for friends?

with love,


Colorful thanks this week. :)


  1. Seeing Lindsey
  2. Easy drive back to Orlando.
  3. @whatsyourstatus service/music
  4. Knowing people at Status! Finally!
  5. Our family breakfast this morning. – went REALLY well!
  6. the BEST grilled cheese @Lucillesdiner
  7. Cinnimon strusel muffins. Mmmm…
  8. my room mates
  9. HUGS.
  10. SO MUCH FOOD from my trip! [[fed me all week!!]]

8, 9, 10 :)

  1. Email responses
  2. LOVE
  3. 49’er pancakes
  4. Amazing leftovers! – YUM!
  5. Mid-night creating.
  6. Harry Potter books! – I heart Ron Weasley
  7. Baby, my kitty.
  8. Journaling at work.
  9. Friendship
  10. texts/e-mails at work
  11. nice customers!


  1. My counselor got engaged!!
  2. I’m in a REALLY REALLY great place right now!!
  3. Crafts with Kristin and Jessica tonight!
  4. I felt creative last night. :D
  5. Luna Bar. Mmm…mint chocolate protein!
  7. Friendship
  8. Thank You” – I <3>
  9. God’s consistent love.
  10. No headaches today!!
  11. Easy jobs.
  1. My Treadmill. – BEST birthday present.

Food Friday! - Veggies, Pesto and Rhubarb, oh my!!

Last Saturday night my friend Monica came over and we cooked a DELICIOUS meal!! YUM squared! We cooked up these REALLY fun noodles and pesto from Whole Foods.

I made a veggie mix of a peppers, broccoli, roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts, and added soy beans and pine nuts.

THEN! We made a rhubarb and cherry cobbler, which was INCREDIBLY splendid! BUT....silly folks who wrote the recipe...it said it was for 18 people. Ha! Right...we almost devoured half of it just sitting there. I can't even image what a 'serving size' looks like.

What exciting things have YOU been cooking??
Tell me about them if you like!! :D

Food and Love ya'll!

PS: i love love the "bad romance" song from Glee. Hee!

One Year Ago Today...

...I was celebrating my and Amanda's birthday [among other "life celebrations"] at Melting Pot!! Twas great fun!

We ate like Queens! I got a veggie and tofu platter and Mandy got some meats and veggies.


...had THESE amazing treats that we dipped in this incredible Peanut Butter chocolate mixture with nuts in it. We kept asking for refills of the delicious treats to dip in the chocolate. YUM!! :D

I hope you had a delicious food filled day!
Smiles and Blessings to YOU!

<3 JENipher