I'm a thankful girl. :)


Rachel helping me with my grant

My beautiful pottery Rachel helped me make!

Fish tacos

Reconciliation with special people from my past

Quick work day

My nutritionist

Today’s a new day.


Things said in love.

Helping hands.

Writing e-mails at work.


Cranberry juice

Zucchini bread


Being on time for work even after running around

My car and air conditioning


getting more sales! Yay!

Allowing myself time to draw.

I stayed in bed till 8:30am

My house

Trying to let go.

What are YOU thankful for friends?

with love,


Forget Friday Thanks.

1. Allowing myself to cry at work.

2. My car. Thank God, it’s a blessing. [and where i went to cry lol]

3. My amazing co-workers.

4. Encouragement.

5. “500 days of summer”.

6. Spider Solitaire.

7. My swell room mate.

8. Conversation.

9. Hope.

10. Writing e-mails at work.

What are YOU thankful for?

Have a great day!
