HOLY cow! I won a grant!!

I can't express how excited and thankful i am. I applied for a professional art grant the end of last year, had the paneling a few weeks ago, and was just informed tonight, that i have been blessed with funding to follow my dreams from United Arts.

This grant will give me the opportunity to professionally print and package my 'nightly doodles', will allow me to personalize and inspire through my new [encouraging] blog Smiles and Thanks, and help me spread words of kindness and affirmation to Orlando and beyond!!

An extra special thanks to Margot Knight, Mary Patrick, Bonnie Hubbard, Rick Lang, Anna McCambridge, Dario J. Moore, Dennis Neal and Jeremy Seghers for believing in all of us, having incredible patience, and devoting your time reviewing our grants. Thank you for offering great opportunity, and helping make our artistic community a more inspiring place!

And even more so...thank you all SO MUCH for having faith in me and my art work. I can't tell you how much it means to me. Thank you.

Sometime is RIGHT NOW and i can't express how excited i am to start this new adventure!

MANY smiles and NUMEROUS thanks!

Eek! Grant day!

i'm so short, the mike nearly fell down from adjusting it. ha!

I know i was kind of non-existent for a good portion of last year, so i don't quite remember if i mentioned the excitement of a professional development grant i applied for.. alas...i applied for a grant from United Arts. This grant helps professional working artists make their dreams a little easier to come true. :)

It was VERY HARD work, and took months to complete but i was proud of myself i did it. Today was the grant paneling, which is essentially a meeting where they ask you about your project to see if it sounds legit. The paneling was held all day in a really stellar indie movie theater in Winter Park. I was extremely nervous so my [illustrator] friend Julissa met me there to give me hugs and moral support.

enzian ^

eek! ^

I went up at 1pm, [the first one after lunch!!] and was [knee shaking] nervous, but I honestly think i did pretty well, even when they questioned my grant. Everyone was very friendly, and my scores did go up after my paneling which I'm very thankful for.

I find out on February 4th if i receive one of the grants, and I'm eagerly awaiting the response. Either way, this experience helped me really develop what my goals for my life and business are; which is a glorious thing indeed.

that's me! ^

i looked perdy cute in my 'business casual' attire. I'm happy about that. :]

I can't express in words the gratitude i have for everyone who has encouraged and helped me along the way. It's such a lovely feeling to know that other people think I'm headed in the right direction to make my dreams come true.

I hope you have someone[s] who remind you they have faith in yours too! If not, PLEASE let me know. I'll send some encouragement your way!!

mucho love,