Hello, Help Me, and Hooray.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind... so many things happening, most not so great, that i feel lost in the shuffle of life. It's so draining, and saddening when things are out of your control and yet you have to take the fall for them. I recently had room mate.... 'troubles' and had to ask them both to leave. This is a huge issue for me seeing as i have a whole house to pay for, and not enough income to support it. After they [finally!!!!!!] left, i noticed a ton of damages done to my house, they didn't pay me all the rent money they owed me and my camera is missing.

It seems so sad that heart is breaking so much over the loss of camera... way more then the missing chunk of my sink..how DO YOU crack a sink?!?! And why woudn't you tell someone you broke said sink?

Anyways....since i'm out hundreds of dollars [pre-repairs], don't think i can buy a new camera right now, and without a camera, i can't color new doodles. [my camera is my 'scanner'.] 

Aside from all the trauma/drama in my house hold life, I'm getting more and more scared that now my ears have hurt me for 10 months now. I've been putting off seeing a specialist until i had a little bit more money saved, but i think i just need to book the appointment already. I'm actually really scared, i don't know whats wrong and my doctor can't see anything that looks out of the norm, which terrifies me more.

Even during all this mess, i really am thankful that i have such good friends. New and old friends have been pretty supportive, lended me MANY OF ears to babble on to, or to cry and cheer with. So although i am very out of sorts right now, i feel blessed at least that I'm not going through it all alone.

I hope you are all doing well, and having stress free weeks, and if for some reason you're going through a rocky time, i hope you do in fact have people that are standing by you to hug you and hold your hand. ...or at least to bring you ice cream.

Have a day full of sunshine dear friends.
Jenipher :)

Operation: Crutches

Life continues to be complicated in my [outside of Cherry Runway] world. I AM officially off crutches which in theory is great, but walking on my foot is hurting me and i finally have to start talking my aspirin/pain killers which I've managed NOT to take any of until now.

That kind of bums me out.

I'm also really scared someone might step on me since i can't wear shoes yet, and stepping on rocks has not been fun. Lastly, i am officially NOT allowed to exercise at all for another two months which literally made me cry at the clinic. I feel icky, and love walks and am really sad i have to wait so much longer to start going on walks or doing Kung Fu again.

Would you like some asprin with your pity party?

Wow..it's been so long. So sad. I've been MIA from the Internet world really..

I know i know..this is a Cherry Runway blog, but honestly, Cherry Runway has been the furthest thing from my mind as of late, and i feel somewhat guilty so i wanted to share a smidgen of my life for the last few weeks.

jendr -- quality picture? not to much. Meaningful picture? yes sir!

It has also been four? weeks now since my accident, of which, i am still on crutches for at least another three weeks. My gosh...i will try to never take for granted how easy it's easy to do things normally like go grocery shopping, walk to your mailbox, or even pick things up around the house. I haven't even fully unpacked from Renegade, or written out thank you notes to customers which is horrid, but i can't walk around. :( It's been weeks and I'm getting kind of frustrated, and tired that i need help to do EVERYTHING now. I can't even shower like a normal person. It's crazy.

On the bright side, the blessing of all of this, is knowing i AM capable of taking care of myself, of changing my bandages, or getting by for weeks on crutches, and for infinite trips to the clinic. I know I can handle these things without much help, and for that i am thankful. :)

PLUS it hasn't been all bad. I have actually had a real social life [offline] for once, which is kind of strange for me. ha! With this social life comes return of cooking, and playing my guitar which for those i am so thankful. These two have been major blessing in my life right now.




Brian and Amanda (who although are the 2nd of those names to be my friends) are number 1's to me! :) They are both gerat friends with amazing hearts and hearty appities. They have done everything from picked me up to go to Walmart, or church, to stay 17 hours just to hang, play guitar and cook great food. I am very appreaciative of both of you. [even if you won't see this because you don't read my blog!, lol] :)

Boy oh Boy i love the ER...

So..i know this isn't Cherry Runway related, but i wanted to post anyways...

Tonight i had my first ER experience since i was 10. I just had a new room mate move in and his room was the "catch all" room. Since it was such a last minute move in, i threw all of the stuff into my room. Including three pieces of glass, out of their picture frames.

Now..when i sat those pieces of glass, oh so close to my closet, i did actually say to myself "Jen..that's not a good place for those, you should prolly move them" Alas..i did not move them.

Instead i sliced and ripped up big chunks of my toe tonight. So badly that it took an hour for the doctor to figure out how to sew up the large holes in my toe.

Twas fabulous! And i have the blood, sweat, tears and stitches to prove it.